Harrisburg Area Host Committee PENNSCYPAA XXXVI Bylaws
I. Structure
A. Committee meetings
1. Meeting procedure is to follow Robert’s Rules of Order.
2. Committee meetings will be held at a predetermined time and location as discussed by the Harrisburg Area Host Committee for PENNSCYPAA (hereafter referred to as the “Committee”). Any changes regarding Committee meetings
will be communicated by the Chair as far in advance as possible to all members of the Committee.
3. Business meetings will last a maximum of three (3) hours and can only be extended at the Chair’s discretion to handle pressing or time-sensitive Committee business.
4. The Chair or Co-Chair may call to order emergency Committee meetings to vote on time-sensitive decisions as long as the following conditions are satisfied:
a) The Chair or Co-chair notifies the host committee immediately and through all available means that an emergency meeting is taking place and communicates the time, place and topics to be discussed and/or voted on.
b) Member attendance at the emergency meeting constitutes a quorum as defined herein.
B. Subcommittees
1. The Committee will elect Subcommittee Chairs and may create other subcommittee positions not detailed in these bylaws as needed, provided they follow procedures set out in these bylaws.
2. Subcommittee Chairs will hold subcommittee meetings as necessary to accomplish all pertinent Committee business.
a) Scheduled subcommittee meetings may only be rescheduled one week or more from the originally scheduled date.
b) Emergency subcommittee meetings may be called by Subcommittee Chairs and Subcommittee Co-chairs as long as they satisfy the same conditions as emergency Committee business meetings.
c) Subcommittee Chairs are responsible for the election by simple majority of any positions for which the Subcommittee’s Group Conscience sees fit.
d) Subcommittee Chairs will submit typed reports and all relevant materials directly to the Chair and Secretary and make these materials available to all Committee members within one (1) week of Committee meetings.
(1) Reports shall inform the bid committee of the status, progress, and direction of the subcommittee.
(2) All Subcommittee Chairs or these Chairs’ designated
representatives shall give a report to the committee at every
regularly scheduled committee meeting.
(3) All reports will be concise and well prepared.
(4) Subcommittee Chairs will provide the date, time and location for their next subcommittee meeting with their report.
(5) Following each report, the floor will be opened for questions and discussion.
3. In performance of action, Subcommittee Chairs have a ‘Right of Decision’ as outlined in Concept Three of the AA Service Manual:
a) Each Chair may choose how to fulfill the duties of their position as a trusted servant of the Committee. However, it is understood that each Chair will give a report of their plans, decisions and actions at each Committee meeting and that adequate consultation with Committee members will inform any important decisions and actions, with particular attention to decisions that may affect the efforts of other trusted servants.
b) “This ‘Right of Decision’ should never be made an excuse for failure to render proper reports of all significant actions taken; it ought never be used as a reason for constantly exceeding a clearly defined authority, nor as an excuse for persistently failing to consult those who are entitled to be consulted before an important decision or action is taken.’ (Excerpt from Concept Three, AA Service Manual.)
c) The ‘Right of Decision’ may not be cited as the reason a Subcommittee Chair did not submit their reports and materials to the Chair.
C. Ad Hoc Committees
1. Ad Hoc committees designed to address temporary and singular problems will
be formed through motion and voting at Committee meetings.
2. The Chair will solicit volunteers for Ad Hoc committees at Committee meetings and assign roles in accordance with the Committee’s group conscience.
D. Voting
1. Five (5) elected positions will constitute a quorum; this is the minimum number of elected Subcommittee Chairs or Co-chairs who must be in attendance to hold a business meeting or vote. Members-at-large do not qualify as elected positions.
2. Any self-defined member of the Committee may vote.
3. Absentee voting is not permitted.
4. The Chair will only vote in the event of a tie.
5. All members may participate in discussion and make motions.
6. Whenever possible, Chairs, Co-chairs and Committee members shall submit motions to the Chair before Committee business meetings.
7. The Chair may not make motions or second them.
8. No motions will be voted on until “New business.”
E. Spirituality
1. Every Committee meeting will include a prayer break.
2. The Unity Chair reserves the right to interrupt the meeting for a prayer break at their discretion. Any member may request a prayer break at any time.
3. Don’t take yourself so damn seriously.
II. Elected Positions
A. Elections
1. Each position shall be held for the period of one (1) host year.
2. Elections shall follow Third Legacy voting procedures, except Subcommittee elections which will follow simple majority.
B. Position Descriptions
1. Chair - Schedules and leads all Committee meetings in accordance with Committee bylaws. Creates agenda for meetings. Keeps meetings on task and ensures meetings are held in an organized fashion. Oversees voting and motions. Holds all elected members accountable for their positions and ensures tasks are completed. Redirects discussion of subcommittee business topics during Committee meetings. One (1) of three (3) signees on the Committee bank account. Informs Committee members of loss of position should they forfeit their position through nonattendance. Communicates with all subcommittees regularly with assistance of the Co-Chair. Liaises with PENNSCYPAA Advisory and other AA service entities as needed. Suggested 2-year sobriety length minimum.
2. Co-Chair - Assists Chair in scheduling and leading meetings in accordance with Committee bylaws. Replaces Chair when Chair is absent. Assists in communication among subcommittees and ensures completion of Committee business. One (1) of three (3) signees on the Committee bank account. Informs Chair if Chair is removed by Committee. Liaises with PENNSCYPAA Advisory and other AA service entities as needed. Suggested 2-year sobriety length minimum.
3. Secretary - Keeps accurate minutes of all Committee meetings, including the exact wording for all motions, as well as the major points of discussion and sends minutes to all committee members and PENNSCYPAA Advisory Council
within two (2) weeks of Committee meetings. Acts as a custodian of all committee materials. Acts as a liaison, with the Chair, between the committee and PENNSCYPAA Advisory Council. Reads the previous meeting’s minutes at each Committee meeting and provides several hard copies. Responsible for furnishing information from previous minutes upon request. Ensures all Committee members' contact information is up-to-date. Keeps records of attendance at Committee meetings and informs Chair of absences, contingent on an attendance policy. Suggested 1-year sobriety length minimum.
4. Treasurer - Accounts for all committee money including expenses and revenues. Ensures that rents and other expenditures are paid on time. Ensures money is received from events and outreach sales. Establishes and assigns projected budgets for events, conference program and site expenses, outreach activities and other financial decisions. Ensures reimbursements adhere to bylaws. Maintains an up-to-date record of the Committee bank account. Maintains
Committee checkbook/bank card. One (1) of three (3) on the Committee bank account. Reports revenues and expenses at Committee meetings. Updates committee on overall finances as compared to conference goals for Committee and PENNSCYPAA Advisory at Committee meetings. Suggested 2-year sobriety length minimum.
5. Program Chair - Creates a thorough and balanced program for PENNSCYPAA XXXVI that reflects the Committees’ Group Conscience, including speakers, panels, and workshops, as well as coordinates a schedule and location of events for the conference. Responsible for the successful implementation of all program functions related to PENNSCYPAA XXXVI, including meeting pre-hype, opening ceremony, bid sessions, sobriety countdown, closing ceremony and all other master of ceremonies needs. Creates positions, oversees progress, directs resources and delegates tasks to various program coordinators, who will operate as co-chairs as detailed herein of the program subcommittee, in service of fulfilling all program functions. Coordinator positions will include but are not limited to:
a) Room and Board Coordinator - Responsible for facilitating room, board, and transportation plans and issues for conference. Organizes and assesses candidates for conference scholarships.
b) Entertainment Coordinator - Organizes activities that promote fellowship and unity at PENNSCYPAA XXXVI. Activities may include a dance, shows, organized games, interactive ice-breaker activities, and more. Activities need to be conducted in accordance with the site’s policies as well as promote inclusion and physical safety. Works with the Program Chair to ensure adherence to program objectives and Group
c) Workshops Coordinator - Finds, assesses and presents at Program Subcommittee meetings possible workshops for approval. Responsible for inviting and coordinating travel arrangements and hotel accommodations for all out of town speakers if needed. Responsible for maintaining contact with and confirming the arrival of speakers. Works with the Program Chair to ensure adherence to program objectives and
Group Conscience.
d) Speaker Coordinator - Finds, assesses and presents at Program Subcommittee meetings possible main meeting speakers and formats for approval. Responsible for inviting and coordinating travel arrangements and hotel accommodations for all out of town speakers if needed. Responsible for maintaining contact with and confirming the
arrival of speakers. Works with the Program Chair to ensure adherence to program objectives and Group Conscience.
e) Panels Coordinator - Schedules and organizes panels, provides materials/format, chooses discussion topics, recruits chairs, and oversees the setup and maintenance of panel conference spaces. Works with the Program Chair to ensure adherence to program objectives and Group Conscience.
f) Marathon Meeting Coordinator - Schedules marathon meetings, provides materials/format, chooses discussion topics, recruits chairs, and oversees the setup and maintenance of the marathon meeting room. Works with the Program Chair to ensure adherence to program objectives and Group Conscience.
g) Hospitality Coordinator - Responsible for providing a hospitable, well provisioned and clean hospitality suite(s) staffed by volunteers during scheduled conference hours. Oversees the collection, delivery, and management of supplies in suite(s). Also oversees the supply of refreshments outside of the hospitality suite and liaises with the site’s food/beverage staff. Coordinates with the Volunteer Chair to ensure adequate staffing of the hospitality suite(s). Works with the Program Chair and Treasurer to ensure adherence to program objectives and Group Conscience.
h) SWAG Coordinator - Finds, assesses and presents at Program Subcommittee meetings for approval SWAG for PENNSCYPAA XXXVI guests. Procures SWAG that reflects the conference theme, AA principles and adds value to the conference experience. Works with the Program Chair and Treasurer to ensure adherence to program objectives and
Group Conscience.
i) Greeter Coordinator - Responsible for providing a welcoming and inclusive experience for all guests at all Committee events. Provides guests with event, conference, program and YPAA information. Organizes and directs committee members and volunteers to act as greeters during PENNSCYPAA XXXVI to ensure proper coverage at the entrances of the conference center, hotel site and events throughout the entire conference. Responsible for greeter coverage at all Committee
events and PENNSCYPAA XXXVI. Coordinates with Events Chair and Volunteer Chair.
j) Security Coordinator - Oversees a team of volunteers to facilitate a safe environment for attendees and encourages behaviors that place principles over personalities among attendees. Enforces adherence to the site’s and conference’s conduct policies. Engages with participants to ensure conduct is in accordance with site policies. Encourages attendees to be courteous towards other participants, site staff, and non-AA guests at the site. Liaises directly with site security staff. Understands site’s policies on guest conduct, safety, lost & found, and be aware of the site's accessibility features, how to report medical emergencies, and how to report safety/security issues with the site staff.
k) Accessibility Coordinator - Liaises with and outreaches to persons with special needs and/or disabilities. Seeks ways to provide reasonable accommodation for such persons at the conference. May need to coordinate with the site to understand the site’s accessibility features and how the site can accommodate service animals. Responsible for managing and facilitating reserved seating at main meetings for those with special needs and their companions. Coordinates with the
Registration Chair to identify those who have special needs. Works with Program Chair to organize Spanish translator and ASL interpreter for program functions.
l) A/V Coordinator - Manages audio services in support of the main meetings and fellowship activities. May arrange for the recording of speakers and panelists. Liaises with entertainment vendors. Has knowledge of A.A. guidelines regarding anonymity.
m) Volunteer Coordinator - Recruits, orients, and facilitates the placement of conference, event and host committee volunteers who present themselves for service. Directs volunteers to various functions throughout the conference as requested by various committee chairs and coordinators in the spirit of service. Also provides this service for committee events throughout the host year. Coordinates with the Service Chair to ensure service opportunities are adequately staffed.
6. Events Chair - Conceptualizes, organizes, promotes and executes Committee events that promote PENNSCYPAA. Develops ideas and themes for all events including, but not limited to, date, time, place, refreshments and food, speakers, cost, and entertainment. Works with the Outreach Chair to ensure flyers and other materials are available and event information has been adequately disseminated. Coordinates budgets with the Treasurer to ensure fiscally responsible events that work towards funding PENNSCYPAA XXXVI.
7. Outreach Chair - Responsible for developing and maintaining an outreach contact list. Should develop and implement an outreach plan, adhering to current AA guidelines regarding anonymity. Responsible for outreaching all committee functions. Works closely with Events Chair and Web Chair in order to produce outreach materials for all scheduled events. Distributes flyers to AA clubhouses, districts, intergroups, treatment centers, individual members, meetings, and other A.A. functions throughout Pennsylvania, the surrounding states as necessary, and beyond. Forwards all pertinent outreach information to the Web Chair. Creates content for outreach email blasts. Organizes outreach meeting blitzes. Procures outreach materials and conducts outreach activities in accordance with approved budgets and Group Conscious. Stores committee outreach materials, including brochures and tri-fold.
8. Site Coordinator - Fosters relationship with PENNSCYPAA XXXVI site venue. Serves as point of contact between all facilities and the Committee. Acquires complete understanding of Site contract and ensures both site venue and Committee honor its content. Answers any Committee member questions
regarding PENNSCYPAA XXXVI site contract. Communicates with the Committee’s PENNSCYPAA Advisory Liaison about developments and concerns regarding the site venue. Represents the Committee in a professional manner. If a banquet is planned, organizes this banquet function with site staff. Works with Security Coordinator and Accessibility Coordinator to ensure adherence to site’s policies.
9. Unity Chair - Fosters a loving and tolerant atmosphere that is all-inclusive and dedicated to the primary purpose of AA. Opens and closes Committee meetings with prayers. Calls for prayer breaks during Committee business when spiritually
uncentered. Monitors and reaches out to inactive members. Diffuses arguments. Coordinates with Chair and Fellowship Chair in efforts to foster committee unity.
10. Fellowship Chair - Coordinates social gathering outside of events to promote fellowship within the Committee. Tracks and announces committee members' sobriety anniversaries and birthdays. Coordinates with Unity Chair.
11. Service Chair - Identifies, makes contact and procures service commitments for the Committee in the AA community. Responsible for the committee’s effort to be involved in AA General Service work to outreach the message of AA and
PENNSCYPAA. Ensures the Committee’s involvement and collaborations with Delegate, Area, and Districts in the geographic area, through attendance at Area Assemblies, conferences, YPAA events and other AA functions. Encourages committee members to get involved and have service positions within the General Service structure.
12. Registration Chair - Keeps accurate records and contact information tables of in person and/or online registrations for review by the Committee. Collects and submits all money to the Treasurer. Works with the Treasurer to reconcile pre-registrations with Committee bank accounts and finances. Works with the Outreach Chair to identify and ensure attendance at YPAA or AA events to solicit pre-registrations. Works with the Web Chair in utilizing the Committee website
for organizing and receiving pre-registrations. Coordinates with the Accessibility Chair to ensure the Committee takes care of guests requesting special accommodations. Ensures guardianship of of personal data is maintained in the spirit of anonymity.
13. Compliance Chair - Ensures Committee’s compliance in all legal matters, including nonprofit reporting and tax obligations. Works with the Treasurer and all Subcommittee Chairs to guarantee adherence to local, state and federal regulations. Informs Committee immediately of any legal obligations or actions.
14. Public Information - Oversees Committee efforts to disseminate AA information to the general public, across demographics, including businesses, educational institutions, recovery centers and detention centers. Obtains, coordinates
participation and ensures fulfillment of Committee service commitments. Works with the Treasurer to adhere to approved budgets.
15. Merchandise Chair - Coordinates the creation of Committee, PENNSCYPAA and/or AA themed merchandise within Committee approved budget. Sells Committee merchandise at events and through other appropriate venues. Maintains digital itemized records of sales and inventory with the Treasurer to ensure transparency. Collects and submits money to the Treasurer. Reports inventory to the Committee after every event.
16. Web Chair - Maintains and develops the Committee website in accordance with the Committee’s group conscience. Manages Committee email addresses, Google Drive or other online services and forwards all relevant communications to Committee members. Moderates ZOOM or other virtual meeting technology during Committee and Subcommittee meetings, ensuring accessibility.
17. District Liaison - Attends monthly District 36 meetings and reports Committee news and events. Identifies service opportunities sponsored by District 36 and solicits volunteers to support District events. Ensures Committee events do not
needlessly interfere with scheduling of District events.
18. Intergroup Liaison - Attends monthly Harrisburg area Intergroup meetings and reports Committee news and events. Identifies service opportunities sponsored by Intergroup and solicits volunteers to support Intergroup events. Ensures
Committee events do not needlessly interfere with scheduling of Intergroup events. Sends flyers and announcements to Intergroup Sobriety news.
19. Al-Anon Liaison - Attends monthly Al-Anon meetings and reports to Committee news and events. Identifies service opportunities within the Al-Anon community. Invites and facilitates Al-Anon participation in Committee events. Liaises with Al-Anon Intergroup liaison.
20. Archivist - Act as the holder of all factual material (documents, memorabilia, traveling showcases, etc.) in such a way that there can be no substantial distortion of our history. Shall be the liaison between the AA General Service Office Archivist and the Conference pertaining to all PENNSCYPAA XXXVI archives issues. Shall act as liaison to all archive matters and displays for PENNSCYPAA XXXVI. Takes photos of Committee events while adhering to AA traditions. Documents the history of Committee and YPAA in Harrisburg by collecting stories, photos and materials used in the Committee's efforts.
21. Traditions and Concepts Chair - Holds subcommittee meetings on the topic of specific AA traditions and concepts. Answers Committee questions regarding AA traditions and concepts. Offers guidance at Committee meetings when issues surrounding the AA traditions and concepts arise.
C. Co-Chairs
1. All Subcommittees will have Co-Chairs elected by simple majority.
2. Co-Chairs will assist in all responsibilities of the chair.
3. Co-Chairs are the representatives of their subcommittee in absence of their Subcommittee Chairs.
4. Co-Chairs may vote to satisfy a quorum.
III. Accountability
A. Attendance
1. Subcommittee Chairs will forfeit their positions if they miss two (2) consecutive
Committee meetings without notifying the Chair and sending a report. A Subcommittee Chair will be elected at the earliest possible Committee meeting, provided that meeting attendance satisfies a quorum. It will be the Chair’s responsibility to enforce this requirement.
2. A break in continuous sobriety will be considered an automatic resignation of one’s elected Committee position. It will be the Chair’s responsibility to enforce this requirement.
B. Replacing an Elected Chair or Co-chair
1. Primarily – principles before personalities.
2. The Chair may not make a motion to remove an elected Chair or Co-chair.
3. Motions to remove a Committee member from an elected position must be communicated directly to the Chair or, if regarding the Chair, to the Co-chair at least one week before a Committee meeting.
4. The Chair or Co-chair must inform the relevant Committee member of the motion as soon as possible and that the issue will be put on the next agenda for discussion. That person will be allowed the opportunity to be present at the next business meeting to address the Committee.
5. If after discussion a motion is made to remove the individual from their position, the motion will require two-thirds (â…”) majority to pass and remove the elected member from that position.
6. If a subcommittee chair vacates their position for any reason, a vote following Third Legacy procedure will be initiated at the next Committee meeting to fill the position.
C. Bank Account
1. There will be always three (3) signers on the Committee bank account. These members will be the:
a) Treasurer
b) Co-Chair
c) Chair
2. Suggested length of sobriety of two (2) years for all signees will be discussed and considered when voting on bank signee positions.
3. The bank account will be used exclusively for Committee business.
4. All Committee financial transactions will be made through its bank account whenever possible.
5. The committee shall endeavor to maintain a prudent reserve of $1,000.
D. Reimbursements
1. Committee Events costs will remain within the standard “Committee approved budget” of $250 per event plus a $25 emergency fund.
a) Committee may vote to approve larger budgets.
b) Any money spent beyond the Committee approved budget will be considered a contribution and will not be reimbursed by the Committee.
2. Recurring expenses for services necessary to the operation of Committee business will be voted upon at Committee meetings. Reimbursements for these services will be approved as part and parcel of these votes.
3. All other expenses for materials or services will require a Committee vote for reimbursement. Votes for reimbursement may be requested both before or after purchase and will require receipts.
IV. Bylaws
A. Any amendments, deletions, or additions to the Committee bylaws will be made in a three-step process:
1. The change will be submitted in writing and copies distributed at a Committee meeting.
2. The change will be discussed and voted on at the next Committee meeting.
3. All amendments require two-thirds (â…”) majority approval from the voting body.